Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday's Sense: Perspective

You know all those bad days you have? The ones where everything you think could go wrong, does? You trip in the cafeteria, you fail that test you studied so hard for, the girls in math class make fun of the shoes you're wearing, etc?  You've had them. We all have them. Well, when I was in middle school/high school, my mom would always listen to me vent my frustrations and be upset about whatever had happened then she would say something very profound to me. "In 50 years, will it matter?" And I would stop complaining and really think about what had went on that day. You know what? The answer to that question was usually always no. It helped so much then and it still helps me now. It helps to figure out what's worth being upset about and what's really not all that important. Those years in middle school and high school EVERYTHING seemed like an epic disaster. I'm so thankful my mom helped me get that perspective and helped me realize what will matter in 50 years.

Today, I'm glad I get to share that perspective with all of you. When everything seems to be going wrong, ask yourself if any of it will matter in 50 years. You'll be surprised at how the answer will make you feel.


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