Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday's Focus:Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me

      Focusing is hard (well, it is for me anyway). I get distracted easily. Often, I have a good thought but something else pops into my mind and I abandon that good idea, but you know what I don’t have trouble focusing on? Myself. If I have a little extra money I usually catch myself thinking something like, “I could buy myself a new purse,” or (being the book lover that I am) “I think I need that book.” Now let me tell you that I am extremely blessed in the area of material possessions, so do I really need a new purse or whatever else my heart desires at that moment? No, but society tries to convince me I do. It is not wrong at all to have nice things and to buy yourself something but it is wrong to only be focusing on our self. The Bible tells us…

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
Philippians 2:3-4

      To help us focus less on ourselves, we need to focus more on what we can do for others. No matter how old or young you may be, there is always something you can do for someone else. You can pray for others. Do you have a friend who is having a difficult time with something? Pray for them and tell them you are praying for them! Send a card to someone who is in a nursing home. Tell them you were thinking of them and hope they have a good day. Send a card to one of the children at the congregation you attend. Tell them how happy you are to have them at church & if you can point out something specific you appreciate about them. For example, they might always be smiling. They might be great at sharing or at helping their parents take care of little brothers & sisters. Getting a card from a “big person,” like you will really mean a lot to them.

What else can you suggest that will help us focus on others? 


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