Friday, February 21, 2014

Easy Evangelism Ideas (New!)

  • When you make denominational friends look for opportunities to begin a conversation by asking a question such as “I’ve been wondering what your church teaches a person to do in order to go to heaven,” or “Who was your speaker at that youth event last weekend?” or “How old were you when you ‘got saved?’” Questions like these are great study starters. Imagine how the conversation might go from there and try to prepare accordingly by individual study or talking with a parent, youth minister or older mentor.
  • When you attend lectureships/gospel meetings pick up business cards/material to pass out to your friends or just leave them on the table when you go out to eat. Some I would recommend are The Light Network, Apologetics Press, Focus Press & The Gospel Broadcasting Network. Also check with your local congregation about this type material; they may keep this type of information in stock or they might decide to.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

5 People You Should Be Following

If someone were to look at your followers on Twitter, what would they learn about you? Would they find that you are obsessed with Hollywood celebrities? Would they see you following others who constantly use foul language or the Lord’s name in vain? Or would they notice how carefully you choose those you follow? Our social media is not a place where we can go and leave our Christianity at home. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or whatever your social media preference are opportunities for us to share our faith, be godly examples and encourage others. By using Philippians 4:8 as our standard before we click that follow button, we can be sure that are filling our newsfeeds (and therefore our minds) with things Christians should be thinking on.

Social media can be a powerful (& fun) tool for us if we use it properly. Here are 5 people who always strive to do just that. 
  1. Us! We are striving to share great article links, quotes & Bible verses with you. 
  2. MarliReese. A single Christian blogger who is always sharing a positive thought or verse.
  3. Apologetics Press. A work dedicated to the defense of New Testament Christianity.
  4. Adam Faughn. Youth Minister/Preacher. Husband. Father. We live in Nashville, Tennessee, and love to encourage all to love and serve Christ.
  5. Kathy Pollard. follower of Christ, wife of Neal, mother of OhBrother, blogger, baker, tea-lover, Bible-marker, reader, hopeful author

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Links to Love

The Royal Family - Who isn't just a little fascinated with the Royal family? I know I am and I've found a kindred spirit. Emily Hatfield is a tiny bit fascinated with them as much so that she is doing a podcast that...well, just read her own words...
"The premise of the show is simple: who doesn’t adore those lovable Brits? Will and Kate? Super adorable and mildly relatable. Prince George? Full on cuteness monster. Queen Mum? Precious and hilarious and always keeping it classy. Fortunately for me, with each of those names, a mental image came up in your mind, because really, who doesn’t know something about the royal family? We probably all know something, and some of us probably know a whole lot. Because we’re stalkerazzi, let’s be real.
While I love the bunch across the pond, my greater concern is for the royal family that I’m a part of, that all Christians are part of, and that’s the royal family of God. We are called heirs, we get crowns—sounds pretty legit to me. And, it sounds pretty parallel to the earthly kingdom we see in the British Monarchy. So that’s exactly what we’ll be doing: paralleling those lovable Brits to the truly important and eternal royal family."
This podcast is awesome. The episodes are short and easy to listen to and once you start you will be hooked. So what are you waiting for? Go check it out!

God's Handiwork - While we're talking about Emily...have you looked at her blog featuring God's Handiwork? Emily had the opportunity to visit several countries (most mentioned in the Bible) and she shares her journey with us through articulate wording and beautiful pictures. Take a moment to visit her blog and travel to another place and time.

From the Mouths of Teen Girls  - The following comments were made by Christian teen girls at an out-of-state retreat.  They were asked some questions in a very casual setting.  I was just an observing visitor, but I was struck by their determination and sincerity so I started writing down their answers...

Southern Snow  - If you watched the news within the past few weeks, no doubt you've seen the south get hammered (rather unexpectedly) with winter weather. You may have even been right in the middle of it. This link is nothing but pictures taken in and around Birmingham, AL. Looking at these photos and reading the story about Chick-fil-A's generosity will warm your harm and remind you that there are still some good people out there.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Modesty Matters (New!)

If you've been in any department stores recently you know that finding modest clothing is challenging. Not only is it difficult to find modest pieces to wear, but often when you do manage to find the needle in a haystack, you can't afford it! In an effort to encourage one another in our pursuit of modesty while being good stewards of our money, we will be sharing our finds in this brand new fashion feature-Modesty Matters.

Secret Keeping - We have shared this article before, but we felt it was worth out time again. This fifteen (yes, fifteen) year old does an excellent job reminding us why modesty is so important. Be sure to check it out!

Virtue (video)  - You might be surprised to find out that most young men actually prefer girls who dress modestly. This particular group of guys got together and put a fun twist on sending that message out.

What I Wear - I recently stumbled across this blog and love the purpose behind it. This blogger posts pictures of her outfits along with where she found individual pieces. She describes her style as fashionably modest and I would agree. She does a great job inspiring others to piece their own modest outfits together on a budget.

These Aren't Pants! - While this link is actually a product review on a particular brand of leggings, this blogger does a great job of demonstrating how leggings are supposed to be worn. Leggings make a wonderful additional to your wardrobe, but they are not equal to pants. Please don't be one of those guilty of treating them as such.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Legalism v. The New Birth

A Child of Legalism Says…

-      I have to go to church.

-      I have to do good deeds.

-      I have to be pure in heart.

-      I have to repent.

-      I have to be meek.

-      I have to be generous, kind, merciful.

-      I have to get baptized.

-      I have to produce love, joy, peace, etc.

-      I have to wash feet.

-      I have to do what Jesus would do.

-      I have to turn the other cheek.

-      I have to go the extra mile.

-      I have to love my neighbor/enemy.

-      I have to be “faithful unto death.”

-      I have to love God with all my heart, soul, and strength.

·        Having completed a good portion of the list, I feel confident that God will give me my place in heaven. By the grace of God and my good track record, I don’t have to go to hell.


A Child of the New Birth Says…

-      I want to worship God with fellow saints.

-      I want to help others in my Father’s name.

-      God help me to be pure in heart.

-      I want to change my life.

-      Lord, take control of my life.

-      I want to be generous, kind, merciful.

-      I want to be washed from my sins in His blood.

-      I want to produce evidence that God’s Spirit is in me.

-      I want to be of humble service in any area needed.

-      I want to do what Jesus would do.

-      Lord, give me strength to do whatever is necessary to promote your kingdom in this world.

-      I want to love my neighbor/enemy.

-      I want to be “faithful unto death.”

-      I want to love God with all my heart, soul, and strength.

·        God has been so gracious to me to show me love and I want to draw closer to Him and honor and worship Him. I just want to be to others what He has been to me so they can see how great my God is.


From Chestnut Drive Church of Christ bulletin

Michael R. Underwood

February 3, 2013

Doraville, Georgia