Thursday, February 20, 2014

5 People You Should Be Following

If someone were to look at your followers on Twitter, what would they learn about you? Would they find that you are obsessed with Hollywood celebrities? Would they see you following others who constantly use foul language or the Lord’s name in vain? Or would they notice how carefully you choose those you follow? Our social media is not a place where we can go and leave our Christianity at home. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or whatever your social media preference are opportunities for us to share our faith, be godly examples and encourage others. By using Philippians 4:8 as our standard before we click that follow button, we can be sure that are filling our newsfeeds (and therefore our minds) with things Christians should be thinking on.

Social media can be a powerful (& fun) tool for us if we use it properly. Here are 5 people who always strive to do just that. 
  1. Us! We are striving to share great article links, quotes & Bible verses with you. 
  2. MarliReese. A single Christian blogger who is always sharing a positive thought or verse.
  3. Apologetics Press. A work dedicated to the defense of New Testament Christianity.
  4. Adam Faughn. Youth Minister/Preacher. Husband. Father. We live in Nashville, Tennessee, and love to encourage all to love and serve Christ.
  5. Kathy Pollard. follower of Christ, wife of Neal, mother of OhBrother, blogger, baker, tea-lover, Bible-marker, reader, hopeful author

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